Exploring Pinterest

This week, I was asked to create a Pinterest Mood Board for my Web Graphics Software class Client Project. As per the instructions, I pinned 20 different items that I can use to draw inspiration from when creating the final project. Read on to hear about my experience using Pinterest as a inspirational tool.

First of all, the process of using Pinterest is fairly simple. One simply has to create an account, create a board, search for what they wish, and start pinning. I had no trouble figuring out what I was doing as the process is pretty self-explanatory. I love that the site gives the user such a broad selection of items and categories to follow, as my interests and not limited to computers, web design and the like. I can also pull inspiration for drawings, paintings, home improvement and so on. The only issue I had with the site was the jumpy navigation, though in the site’s defense, this jumpiness very well could have come from the mouse I was using at the time.

I believe that Pinterest has the potential to be an extremely useful tool for designers, painters, artists, or even just the average person given how broad the interests provided are. This particular board I created could come in uncannily handy in the future as I am prone to using flat, minimalist designs for websites and apps alike. I think I’ll be flocking to Pinterest more often in the future when my muse starts to play hide and seek. Pinterest can even be used by business to even further the reach of the advertising, content sharing, and general appearance to the public as many, many people use the site daily.

Overall I see Pinterest as a very intriguing site full of creative users sharing information, inspiration, and great ideas.

Until next time!